








What camera metering mode (evaluative/matrix, center-weighted or spot) did I use for each image and why?
     I used evaluative mode for each image. I tried to use the other modes for the first two pictures I took but realized it was just easier to use evaluative. For the shadow framing, I could have used spot metering so that Alex's face wasn't so dark before it was edited.

What white balance settings did I use for each image? 
     For the shapes, environment, and shadow framing, I used the shade white balance. For the architectural, I used daylight mode. 

Do I have a strong composition? Give specific support as to why/why not.
     For the shapes framing, I think I have really good composition. I have leading lines and a center focus. For the architectural framing, I have ok composition. I could have done a better job at taking the picture when she was a little bit more forward and by moving directly in front of her rather than from an angle. For the shadow framing, I really like the image and think there is good composition. I like that her face is on the dark and there's only a little bit of light. For the environmental framing, there is leading lines and a center focus, but I do not really like the image. 

What would I do differently if I shot this assignment again?
     The only thing I would have done differently was shot a better image for the environment framing and used spot metering for the shadow framing image.

Do you think your photo(s) should be considered as one of the best from your classmates? Why or why not?
     I think that my shapes framing image could be considered better than some of my classmates. I really like the lighting and think that is was shot well. I also think that my shadows framing image could be good compared to my classmates. I have a feeling that the lighting framing was more used than using the shadows like I did, so I think that it could stand out among my peers.


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